Woots Halloween!Zouk Club KL!
Halloween at Zouk for a bit of work related stuff(yeap,American Express supported the good ol' Halloween bash at Zouk Club yesterday, and boy did people turn out in droves!
when it started getting packed,it REALLY GOT PACKED!
around peak time, at say 11,the lines were pretty messed up,and the bouncers were kinda stressed.
Thanks to those idiots who just wanna go in first coz they on guestlists and stuff. Line The Fuck UP!
Bumped into some familiar faces which I haven't seen in ages (and a few since high-school)
After alot of getting friends and cardmembers in(i was working,remember) it was time to finally have some fun!
I had me my first Jaeger Bomb (spelling?) and lets just say I found it pretty awesome.
I think I would suggest this at all parties (bbq's house-warmings etc) from now on. In fact......this Friday...there's a house-warming coming up...
After 2 jaegers and a vodka lime in Aristo, lotsa smack talking with friends and colleagues (yeap,the same faggots I see for 5 days a week, I manage to see for a 6th day in a week.Fark)
it was time to hit the dance floor in Velvet!
By the way, Aristo is pretty quiet. Guess they're gonna do something about it to get more people in.
Anyhoo,Velvet was SO DAMN PACKED!
Reminds me of the dance floors of the Malaysian Nights I went to back in Sydney (those were pretty awesome. after a couple of shots of whatever, you really start buzzing and your feet and hands get light and you can really rock the music. at least, that's what I think I was doing)
Back to Velvet, joined Azzy's friends on the dance floor, but didn't get to do much dancing. After say 20 mins and a bit of moving in one spot (and getting shoved by some big jerk who kept backing into me,ASS!) boy was I thirsty! so me and Eugene goes out to get a drink at Terrace Bar
Mana tau...the place is packed enough for the bouncers to tell us, if u go out, I don't think u coming back in son
So back to Velvet and got ourselves a beer each (damn barman didn't give me back my change. may you be infested with a thousand flies and get stomped on by a random passing by camel)
Now I think that beer pushed me a bit over the top coz I was swaying a little when I walked, and after an unsuccessful search for Azzy and her friend's, FUCK IT(by Eamon) outside for some fresh air.
From that point on,it was pretty much no more back into the club,and I just spent my time chillin outside catching up with some old familiar faces and some new ones.You do tend to meet quite a few acquaintances at big social bashes such as this.
To TERRACE BAR!(and the petering down of the night)
Since I ain't going back to the club, just sobered up at Terrace Bar with Eugene and a new friend, Mu(i think that's how her nickname was spelled) while waiting for Azzy and her friend's to finish up.
In the end, only when the club signalled the end of the night (when the lights come on) did we start to go home and that was around 4am already methinks.
To Home!
by the time I i dropped Eugene off after some good ol' supper and drove my ass home and took a shower..it was frickin 6ish already!i think it was the break of dawn by the time i closed my eyelids...phew!
The Aftermath
I properly awoke at 4pm.
But not before another faggoty colleague (Nicholas Chan Thiam Hock)who didn't join the party gave me a wake up call at 12.seriously man...that wasn't good.
Guess wat, I missed my sunday futsal session. Sorry guys,too wasted. BUT there was field football at 6.30 with Eugene! woots! lets just say,it was pretty good, and I need to practice a hell lot more. damn the ball is bouncy.
I am exhausted now,so I will slowly slip away into slumber with a sleeping aid, which is watching Bolton vs Liverpool (happening right now peeps)