Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Dream of World's End

my dreams have just been upgraded into an epic blockbuster movie.
Hollywood,here's one to chew on!

This dream starts off with me rushing to the premiere of a movie, running through several flights of stairs, and passing by a troupe of young men in green-ish costumes (whom I thought would be part of the entertainment for the premiere)
No problems there, though their body language seemed to tell they were uneasy.Must be the butterflies in the stomach.
So I make it to the premiere, and I seem to see a number of familiar faces,primary/secondary school friends littered around.
So, the movie begins (rather vague here)
However what happens next is that the cinema is shaking and when that happens, you just get your ass outta the cinema into open ground.
Now the beauty is that the cinema exit opens out to the ground floor and upon exit, shit really starts to hit the fan. There's a guy screaming "it's the rapture!don't move and you won't be hurt!!!"
Beside the cinema, is the same flight of stairs I ran up earlier and I can see green costumed dangling feet, and a couple more joining this most gruesome scene. Have the boys hung themselves?most likely
As I glanced towards the green-costumed boys, bursting out of the road, not too far from where I was standing, was a threatening kinda robot and a massive amount of four-legged, dog-sized creatures, whom at best I can describe as leafy brown caterpillars on four legs.
Now these creatures and the robots didn't exactly attack immediately, and the leafy brown caterpillars walked kinda slow.But I didn't stick around to find out if they could do damage or not.
I hightailed it outta there, leaving all the screaming and wailing behind me (and the rapture-yelling guy)

Now I get a flashback, and I'm in sort of a camp-like location, with a few of my secondary schoolmates playing with the campfire. I am given a gift of a pair of lime-green nike presto shoes (remember those?) for what I presume is my birthday. The next thing I know is that my friend's playing with the campfire are pointing some fireworks at me, the kind that shoot out small flaming balls of fire. Naturally I'm off running in my new nike shoes while my friends start shooting out those flaming balls at me, to which I manage to stop and catch a few of those balls and throw it back their way.

Back to present.
I'm running away from the robots and the caterpillar-dogs. down a slope, and as I reached the bottom of the very cracked road (think when invasions happen, everything just gets destroyed) my shoe(can't recall left or right) gets stuck in a crack and comes off my foot. I am wearing white socks by the way.
But I keep on running, and suddenly a wave of water comes and makes a river out of the road I was on. I manage to make it to higher ground, but there goes my shoe. Submerged in the water and possibly swept away by the newly formed river. To which I lament the fact that that shoe was a very important/sentimental gift for me, and vowed to recover it.

The Search and back with WTF thrown in for good mix
It is a long, hard search and I often come up empty handed in my search to recover my lost shoe. The surroundings are abandoned, destroyed buildings in the city. Imagine Will Smith's I Am Legend, or other post-apocalyptic movies out there and you'll get what I mean.
But of course,gotta keep the story going.
It seems that my search for my missing shoe is in vain, and after a non-specific time-frame, I find myself back at the cinema where this all started.
There is life in the cinema, and I find it has been converted into a survivor camp of sorts.
The majority of the population seem to be female. Why is this?
Perhaps it has something to do with a certain exit from the cinema, whom the ladies tell me only females can exit. There is a rumour that the exit is cursed.Any male attempting to use the exit will mysteriously die (with their head blown off for good measure)
Well, that's all ballyhoo for this brave adventurer isn't it?and I have a friend who's as brave as I.
Both of us walk the stairs to the exit, into the brilliant sunlight and as we cross the divide, what do we see?
There's a rather large outdoor pub full of life, laughter and merry-making (I am seriously not making this shit up) So this is where all the guys go, and why the ladies in the cinema have created the "curse of the exit". This is to refrain the young men from leaving the cinema to join the ranks of sleazy men in the pub.

A Tragic Ending
As me and my friend walk towards the pub, excited to hit the pub. My friend suddenly collapses with a certain medical condition(I am guessing he's having a heart attac) and I couldn't do much. As he lays on the road, he thanks me for being a good friend and hopes I enjoy my life.
To this, my dream now ends, as I hear an incessant beeping. Yeap, the alarm clock sounds.

Now, you are definitely thinking. WTF is this dude smoking??
I assure you I don't smoke any substance at all. However, this dream comes after I have had an excellent time partying with my colleagues at a milestone celebration party thing at Zouk Club. I had 3 glasses of wine. I did a little pole-dancing, I did a little normal dancing. All in all,everyone had a great time.So perhaps,the wine is doing much to drive my little dreamworld here.
I do sign-off today's post with a big "what the hell am I dreaming about"
I am as confused as you are.Trust me on this one.And quite recently that all these dreams have been occurring. I damn well hope it isn't work-related hidden stress. Coz if it is...I may have to re-evaluate myself...ahahaha
Well,let's see what tonight holds!

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